Pre-Matrimony Wellness Panel


Pre-Matrimony Wellness Panel

Original price was: ₨ 7,200.Current price is: ₨ 4,500.

Pre-Matrimony Wellness Panel is a set of essential tests for couples planning marriage ensuring vital health

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Pre-Matrimony Wellness Panel

The Pre-Matrimony Wellness Panel offers essential tests for couples planning to tie the knot, ensuring health compatibility and peace of mind as they embark on this journey together. It includes tests such as CBC, Creatinine, VDRL/Syphilis, ALT, Hb-Electrophoresis, and Viral Markers (HBsAg, Anti HCV, Anti-HIV), providing a comprehensive assessment of health status.

Ensuring Health Compatibility

  • Comprehensive Health Assessment: The Pre-Matrimony Wellness Panel offers a comprehensive assessment of health status for couples planning to marry.
  • Ensure Compatibility: Moreover, essential tests like CBC, Creatinine, and Viral Markers ensure health compatibility before marriage.
  • Early Detection: Detecting underlying health issues early allows timely intervention, thereby minimizing future complications.
  • Peace of Mind: Consequently, knowing their health status provides couples peace of mind as they begin their journey together.
  • Promote Well-being: Additionally, tests identify potential health risks, empowering couples to take proactive steps.
  • Informed Decision-Making: Furthermore, armed with health status information, couples can make informed decisions about their future.

Extending Benefits Beyond the Wellness Panel

  • Benefits Beyond the Pre-Matrimony Wellness Panel Results
  • Professional Guidance: Notably, conducted under healthcare professionals' guidance ensures accurate results and expert advice.
  • Build Trust: Subsequently, undergoing tests demonstrates commitment to each other's health, thereby building trust.
  • Enhance Communication: Equally important, open health discussions strengthen communication, fostering support.
  • Start Strong: Consequently, a clean bill of health at the start promotes longevity and happiness.
  • Customized Approach: Importantly, tailored to couples' needs, ensuring essential health parameters are assessed.
  • Family Planning Support: Similarly, understanding health status aids informed family planning decisions.
  • Reduced Stress: Addressing health concerns reduces uncertainty-related stress, thereby allowing focus on joy.
  • Long-Term Investment: As a result, early health investment fosters resilience and mutual support.
  • Holistic Well-being: Additionally, addressing emotional and mental well-being promotes holistic health.
  • Prevention Focus: Emphasizing preventive measures mitigates future health risks.
  • Quality Assurance: Remarkably, partnering with accredited labs ensures reliable results, boosting confidence.
  • Educational Opportunity: Notably, allowing couples to learn about their bodies and prioritize health together.
  • Family Health Legacy: Significantly, setting a positive health example for future generations.
  • Continued Monitoring: Lastly, encouraging ongoing health monitoring empowers couples.

The Pre-Matrimony Wellness Panel not only offers a series of tests but also serves as a proactive step towards a healthy and fulfilling marriage.


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